

Page history last edited by Sandra Annette Rogers 12 years, 2 months ago




WELCOME to the Internet4YoungLearners Wiki!


                         January 11- February 21, 2010 







Are you ready to start exploring the use of the Internet in a classroom with young children learning English as a Foreign Language?  Join us in this 6 week session,  and we will do our best to help you make the most of it!   Go through a summary of the syllabus:  Our syllabus at a glance!!!




Dr. Joanna Rodiki Petrides        joannarodiki@yahoo.com

Hana Prashker                       hprashker@aol.com

Sandra Rogers                        sandrogers123@yahoo.com



Click here to meet the moderators.

Click on  at the bottom of each page to go through the weekly syllabus of this session, as well as to locate recommended readings and useful Web sites.                                                    







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Comments (1)

Sandra Annette Rogers said

at 6:42 pm on Jan 8, 2010

Dear all,
It is now a tradition to launch our EVO sessions with a live Kick-Off event.
On Sunday, January 10, at 12:00 (noon) GMT, Jeff Lebow of Worldbridges has agreed to host the live session which will take place on the webheads site,

The EVO coordinators and the moderators will be describing this year´s sessions, and particpants will have the
opportunity to ask questions and/or share their expectations. There is a text-chat room, and Voice chat will be via Skype. You can also tune
in to the live stream as well if you don´t feel like talking ;-) Click http://edtechtalk.com/listen to troubleshoot listening problems.

Visit this page before going to the live chat site, http://webheadsinaction.org/node/140 Make sure to bring your headsets and check the The World Clock for your local time
http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/full.html The chat session will be recorded and archived for those who cannot make it.

Looking forward to "seeing" you there,

Dafne González
EVO Coordination Team

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