If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.
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Are you ready to start exploring the use of the Internet in a classroom withyoung children learning English as a Foreign Language? Join us in this 6 week session, and we will do our best to help you make the most of it!Go through a summary of the syllabus: Our syllabus at a glance!!!
Dear all,
It is now a tradition to launch our EVO sessions with a live Kick-Off event.
On Sunday, January 10, at 12:00 (noon) GMT, Jeff Lebow of Worldbridges has agreed to host the live session which will take place on the webheads site, http://webheadsinaction.org/live.
The EVO coordinators and the moderators will be describing this year´s sessions, and particpants will have the
opportunity to ask questions and/or share their expectations. There is a text-chat room, and Voice chat will be via Skype. You can also tune
in to the live stream as well if you don´t feel like talking ;-) Click http://edtechtalk.com/listen to troubleshoot listening problems.
Comments (1)
Sandra Annette Rogers said
at 6:42 pm on Jan 8, 2010
Dear all,
It is now a tradition to launch our EVO sessions with a live Kick-Off event.
On Sunday, January 10, at 12:00 (noon) GMT, Jeff Lebow of Worldbridges has agreed to host the live session which will take place on the webheads site,
The EVO coordinators and the moderators will be describing this year´s sessions, and particpants will have the
opportunity to ask questions and/or share their expectations. There is a text-chat room, and Voice chat will be via Skype. You can also tune
in to the live stream as well if you don´t feel like talking ;-) Click http://edtechtalk.com/listen to troubleshoot listening problems.
Visit this page before going to the live chat site, http://webheadsinaction.org/node/140 Make sure to bring your headsets and check the The World Clock for your local time
http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/full.html The chat session will be recorded and archived for those who cannot make it.
Looking forward to "seeing" you there,
Dafne González
EVO Coordination Team
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